R allows to draw anything. Before writing a code, imagine in detail the graphics you want to create. You may even draw it by hand.
Depends on a type of data and a purpose of communication.
Kinds of graphs are just a combinations of different means of expression. Converting data to graph involves many decisions of how to map data to the visual elements. Do not let the software decide for you!
Means of expression:
❗️ Every mean of expression should be mapped to a single variable.
gg = Grammar of Graphics, based on a book by Leland Wilkinson https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F0-387-28695-0.pdf
ggplot(data= some data.frame,
mapping = aes( x = variable on axis x,
y = variable on axis y,
role1 = variable 3,
role2 = variable 4,
) + # Required part. Note the + sign connecting the lines.
geom_ХХХХХХ( # instead of ХХХХХ write a desired kind of graphic, for example, point
aes( data-dependent characteristics ),
non-varying characteristics, for example, if all the points should be black, color = "black") +
scale_GEOM FEATURE_SUB-FEATURE() + # construct or change the scales
labs(title, caption, x, y) + # labels and titles
theme() + # Styles, backgrounds, other details.
coord_flip() + facet_wrap(~ group) # further manipulations
It is not required to include all the parts, there are nice defaults.
Task: visualize link between age and life statisfaction accounting for gender and age.
d <- data.frame(
life.satisfaction = as.numeric(PT$stflife),
age.sq = as.numeric(PT$agea^2),
age = as.numeric(PT$agea),
gender = to_label(PT$gndr),
health = as.numeric(PT$health),
stringsAsFactors = F
g <- # save to an object
data = d,
mapping =
aes( # aes stands for "aesthetics"
x = age, # axis Х
y = life.satisfaction, # axis Y
color = gender,
size = health)
g # check what's in the object
g <-
g + # the object with coordinates
geom_point() # add points.
g # show the appended plot.
g <-
g +
geom_smooth( # adds the regression line (curve) of x on y
color = "blue", # needs to be fixed to a constant, otherwise there will be two lines for each color, i.e. gender
size = 1) # needs to be fixed to a constant, otherwise there will be 5 lines for each size, i.e. health
g # show the appended plot.
g <- g +
scale_y_continuous(breaks= c(0, 1, 5, 9, 10)) + # ticks and labels on Y axis
scale_color_manual(name="Gender", values= c("turquoise3", "orange"))+ # label of colored elements
scale_size_continuous(name="Subjective health") # label of size elements
g <- g+
geom_hline(yintercept = 6.2, color = "black", linetype = "dotted")+ # just horizontal line showing average life satisfaction
# Labels
labs(title = "Satisfaction and age",
caption = "Based on ESS data",
x = "Age (in years)",
y = "Life satisfaction (11-point scale)")+
# Style adjustments
theme( axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
plot.caption = element_text(hjust=1),
plot.title = element_text(size=16, family="Times"),
panel.background = element_rect(fill="white")
❗️ Usually, the ggplot code is a single piece, above steps are about how to write the code.
Very quick way to plot (however, weakly customizable)
qplot( x = age,
y = life.satisfaction,
color = gender,
size = health,
geom = "point",
data = d)
Try to reproduce this graph with health as Y variable, life satisfaction as color, and gender as “shape” aesthetics.
ggplot2: http://www.cookbook-r.com/Graphs/