JASP interface and demonstration

Preliminary steps

  1. Install JASP: https://jasp-stats.org/download/
  2. Open a data file
  3. Correct scale types
  4. Filter data


  • Recoding and filtering
  • Descriptives
  • Frerquencies
  • ANOVA, t-tests
  • Correlations
  • Linear regession
  • Exploratory factor analysis



European Social Survey, round 8. Use the trimmed version here.

Task 1

Using the ESS round 8 data, compute the means and standard deviations of the following variables in Belgium and the Netherlands:

  • impfree - Important to make own decisions and be free
  • impfun - Important to seek fun and things that give pleasure
  • ipgdtim - Important to have a good time
  • ipadvnt - Important to seek adventures and have an exciting life
  • impdiff - Important to try different things in life

Task 2

  1. Compute a composite score of these four variables.
  2. Run the reliability analysis for this index.
  3. Compare means of this variable in Belgium and Netherlands. Are they significantly different? Use t-test.
  4. Compute correlations of this index with age (agea) and years of education (eduyrs).
  5. Fit a linear regression model predicting this score with age (agea), gender (gndr), education (eduyrs), country (cntry). Add the interaction effect between country and age.
  6. Interpret each coefficient and summary statistics.
  7. Try adding annotations. Copy results to a Word document. Save JASP file with all the analyses.

Task 3

Run exploratory factor analysis using variables:

variable label
ppltrst Most people can be trusted or you can’t be too careful 0 You can’t be too careful
pplfair Most people try to take advantage of you, or try to be fair 0 Most people try to take advantage of me
pplhlp Most of the time people helpful or mostly looking out for themselves 0 People mostly look out for themselves
trstprl Trust in country’s parliament 0 No trust at all
trstlgl Trust in the legal system 0 No trust at all
trstplc Trust in the police 0 No trust at all
trstprt Trust in political parties 0 No trust at all
trstep Trust in the European Parliament 0 No trust at all
trstun Trust in the United Nations

How many factors do you think there are? Why have you made this decision?

Check if the same factors reveal separately for Belgium and Netherlands.

Maksim Rudnev, 2019 using RMarkdown.