1 Роль ценностей в анти-иммигрантских настроениях

Davidov, E., Seddig, D., Gorodzeisky, A., Raijman, R., Schmidt, P., & Semyonov, M. (2020). Direct and indirect predictors of opposition to immigration in Europe: individual values, cultural values, and symbolic threat. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(3), 553-573.

1.1 Гипотезы

  1. whether and to what extent country variations in the level of opposition to immigration and perceived threat can be accounted for by the level of universalism and conformity/tradition values,
  2. whether the effect of universalism and conformity/tradition is fully or only partially mediated by perceived threat, and
  3. the extent to which these patterns differ across countries.

1.2 Операционализация понятий

Мнение о въезде иммигрантов (Allow) – Позволить разным группам иммигрантов въезжать в страну

  • imsmetn Allow many/few immigrants of same race/ethnic group as majority
  • imdfetn Allow many/few immigrants of different race/ethnic group from majority
  • impcntr Allow many/few immigrants from poorer countries outside Europe

Символическая угроза (Symbolic threat) – “Иммигранты ухудшают культуру и портят страну”

  • imueclt Country’s cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants
  • imwbcnt Immigrants make country worse or better place to live
  • rlgueim Religious beliefs and practices undermined or enriched by immigrants

“Равенство для всех” (Universalism)

  • ipeqopt Important that people are treated equally and have equal opportunities
  • ipudrst Important to understand different people

Конформность (Conformity)

  • ipfrule Important to do what is told and follow rules
  • ipmodst Important to be humble and modest, not draw attention
  • ipbhprp Important to behave properly
  • imptrad Important to follow traditions and customs

Контрольные переменные:

  • agea возраст
  • gndr гендер
  • hincfel субъективный доход
  • eisced уровень образования
  • lrscale шкала политической ориентации (левый – правый)
  • rlgdgr оценка собственной религиозности

1.3 Модель 1

Используя данные 7 раунда ESS, постройте такую модель для Австрии.

  1. Сначала постройте КФА для латентных переменных, а затем дополните его регрессионными связями и контрольными переменными.
  2. На каждом этапе проверяйте статистики согласия. Как можно улучшить факторную модель? А как можно улучшить структурную модель? И стоит ли это делать?
  3. Постройте диаграмму структурной модели и выведите таблицу с коэффициентами.

Для подготовки переменной образования используйте следующий код:

ess7$eisced[ess7$eisced == 4] <- 3
ess7$eisced[ess7$eisced == 5] <- 4
ess7$eisced[ess7$eisced == 6|ess7$eisced == 7] <- 5

ess7 <- read.spss(
                use.value.labels = F, 
                use.missings = T, 
                to.data.frame = T)

ess7$eisced[ess7$eisced == 4] <- 3
ess7$eisced[ess7$eisced == 5] <- 4
ess7$eisced[ess7$eisced == 6| ess7$eisced == 7] <- 5

cfa.AT <- cfa("Allow =~ imsmetn + imdfetn + impcntr;
            Symbolic =~ imueclt + imwbcnt + rlgueim;
            Universalism =~ ipeqopt + ipudrst ;
            Conformity =~ ipfrule + ipmodst + ipbhprp + imptrad;
            ess7[ess7$cntry == "AT",],
            estimator = "ml",
            missing = "listwise")

summary(cfa.AT, fit = T, est = T)
> lavaan 0.6-9 ended normally after 55 iterations
>   Estimator                                         ML
>   Optimization method                           NLMINB
>   Number of model parameters                        30
>                                                   Used       Total
>   Number of observations                          1590        1795
> Model Test User Model:
>   Test statistic                               189.353
>   Degrees of freedom                                48
>   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000
> Model Test Baseline Model:
>   Test statistic                              7925.694
>   Degrees of freedom                                66
>   P-value                                        0.000
> User Model versus Baseline Model:
>   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.982
>   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.975
> Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
>   Loglikelihood user model (H0)             -27737.590
>   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)     -27642.913
>   Akaike (AIC)                               55535.179
>   Bayesian (BIC)                             55696.324
>   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)        55601.020
> Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
>   RMSEA                                          0.043
>   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.037
>   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.050
>   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.961
> Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
>   SRMR                                           0.038
> Parameter Estimates:
>   Standard errors                             Standard
>   Information                                 Expected
>   Information saturated (h1) model          Structured
> Latent Variables:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>   Allow =~                                            
>     imsmetn           1.000                           
>     imdfetn           1.247    0.030   41.657    0.000
>     impcntr           1.189    0.031   38.531    0.000
>   Symbolic =~                                         
>     imueclt           1.000                           
>     imwbcnt           0.824    0.020   40.643    0.000
>     rlgueim           0.737    0.022   32.753    0.000
>   Universalism =~                                     
>     ipeqopt           1.000                           
>     ipudrst           0.928    0.065   14.226    0.000
>   Conformity =~                                       
>     ipfrule           1.000                           
>     ipmodst           0.726    0.062   11.663    0.000
>     ipbhprp           1.093    0.079   13.802    0.000
>     imptrad           0.880    0.069   12.843    0.000
> Covariances:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>   Allow ~~                                            
>     Symbolic         -1.147    0.058  -19.947    0.000
>     Universalism      0.216    0.017   12.441    0.000
>     Conformity       -0.100    0.016   -6.277    0.000
>   Symbolic ~~                                         
>     Universalism     -0.732    0.060  -12.234    0.000
>     Conformity        0.347    0.056    6.145    0.000
>   Universalism ~~                                     
>     Conformity        0.100    0.019    5.156    0.000
> Variances:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>    .imsmetn           0.280    0.011   24.578    0.000
>    .imdfetn           0.083    0.008   10.308    0.000
>    .impcntr           0.206    0.010   20.229    0.000
>    .imueclt           1.406    0.096   14.680    0.000
>    .imwbcnt           1.460    0.077   18.928    0.000
>    .rlgueim           2.666    0.109   24.445    0.000
>    .ipeqopt           0.465    0.034   13.791    0.000
>    .ipudrst           0.577    0.033   17.715    0.000
>    .ipfrule           1.154    0.053   21.865    0.000
>    .ipmodst           1.097    0.044   24.808    0.000
>    .ipbhprp           0.674    0.043   15.592    0.000
>    .imptrad           1.077    0.047   23.013    0.000
>     Allow             0.439    0.024   18.183    0.000
>     Symbolic          5.302    0.247   21.501    0.000
>     Universalism      0.447    0.041   11.044    0.000
>     Conformity        0.478    0.053    9.062    0.000
sem.AT <- sem("Allow =~ imsmetn + imdfetn + impcntr;
            Symbolic =~ imueclt + imwbcnt + rlgueim;
            Universalism =~ ipeqopt + ipudrst;
            Conformity =~ ipfrule + ipmodst + ipbhprp + imptrad;
            # регрессии
            Allow  ~ Universalism + Conformity;
            Symbolic ~ Universalism + Conformity;
            # контрольные переменные
            Allow + Symbolic ~ agea + gndr + hincfel + eisced + lrscale + rlgdgr ;
            ess7[ess7$cntry == "AT",],
            estimator = "ml",
            missing = "listwise")

summary(sem.AT, fit = T, est = T)
> lavaan 0.6-9 ended normally after 70 iterations
>   Estimator                                         ML
>   Optimization method                           NLMINB
>   Number of model parameters                        42
>                                                   Used       Total
>   Number of observations                          1475        1795
> Model Test User Model:
>   Test statistic                               684.271
>   Degrees of freedom                               108
>   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000
> Model Test Baseline Model:
>   Test statistic                              7693.810
>   Degrees of freedom                               138
>   P-value                                        0.000
> User Model versus Baseline Model:
>   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.924
>   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.903
> Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
>   Loglikelihood user model (H0)             -25573.083
>   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)     -25230.948
>   Akaike (AIC)                               51230.166
>   Bayesian (BIC)                             51452.615
>   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)        51319.194
> Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
>   RMSEA                                          0.060
>   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.056
>   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.064
>   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.000
> Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
>   SRMR                                           0.065
> Parameter Estimates:
>   Standard errors                             Standard
>   Information                                 Expected
>   Information saturated (h1) model          Structured
> Latent Variables:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>   Allow =~                                            
>     imsmetn           1.000                           
>     imdfetn           1.292    0.035   37.173    0.000
>     impcntr           1.229    0.035   34.635    0.000
>   Symbolic =~                                         
>     imueclt           1.000                           
>     imwbcnt           0.817    0.023   36.103    0.000
>     rlgueim           0.727    0.025   29.385    0.000
>   Universalism =~                                     
>     ipeqopt           1.000                           
>     ipudrst           0.899    0.074   12.093    0.000
>   Conformity =~                                       
>     ipfrule           1.000                           
>     ipmodst           0.715    0.064   11.143    0.000
>     ipbhprp           1.097    0.081   13.466    0.000
>     imptrad           0.907    0.072   12.629    0.000
> Regressions:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>   Allow ~                                             
>     Universalism      0.437    0.041   10.728    0.000
>     Conformity       -0.309    0.034   -9.040    0.000
>   Symbolic ~                                          
>     Universalism     -1.498    0.142  -10.520    0.000
>     Conformity        1.048    0.121    8.643    0.000
>   Allow ~                                             
>     agea              0.002    0.001    1.786    0.074
>     gndr              0.016    0.030    0.548    0.583
>     hincfel           0.117    0.022    5.406    0.000
>     eisced           -0.011    0.006   -1.788    0.074
>     lrscale           0.066    0.008    7.884    0.000
>     rlgdgr           -0.026    0.005   -4.848    0.000
>   Symbolic ~                                          
>     agea             -0.011    0.003   -3.388    0.001
>     gndr             -0.080    0.111   -0.724    0.469
>     hincfel          -0.413    0.080   -5.188    0.000
>     eisced            0.032    0.022    1.491    0.136
>     lrscale          -0.236    0.031   -7.703    0.000
>     rlgdgr            0.112    0.020    5.609    0.000
> Covariances:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>   Universalism ~~                                     
>     Conformity        0.094    0.020    4.744    0.000
>  .Allow ~~                                            
>    .Symbolic         -0.516    0.043  -12.069    0.000
> Variances:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>    .imsmetn           0.284    0.012   23.954    0.000
>    .imdfetn           0.079    0.008    9.288    0.000
>    .impcntr           0.207    0.011   19.374    0.000
>    .imueclt           1.400    0.101   13.908    0.000
>    .imwbcnt           1.490    0.081   18.409    0.000
>    .rlgueim           2.645    0.112   23.546    0.000
>    .ipeqopt           0.424    0.038   11.067    0.000
>    .ipudrst           0.589    0.036   16.535    0.000
>    .ipfrule           1.155    0.054   21.255    0.000
>    .ipmodst           1.110    0.046   24.127    0.000
>    .ipbhprp           0.661    0.044   15.040    0.000
>    .imptrad           1.058    0.048   21.895    0.000
>    .Allow             0.248    0.017   14.318    0.000
>    .Symbolic          3.190    0.200   15.962    0.000
>     Universalism      0.447    0.045    9.965    0.000
>     Conformity        0.475    0.054    8.764    0.000
modindices(sem.AT, sort = T, min = 50)
>              lhs op        rhs      mi    epc sepc.lv sepc.all sepc.nox
> 193   Conformity  ~     rlgdgr 107.884 -0.080  -0.116   -0.332   -0.116
> 176 Universalism  ~      Allow  76.111  1.179   1.087    1.087    1.087
> 230      lrscale  ~      Allow  74.277  1.633   1.006    0.553    0.553
> 231      lrscale  ~   Symbolic  74.265 -0.477  -1.045   -0.574   -0.574
> 242       rlgdgr  ~ Conformity  73.734 -1.109  -0.764   -0.266   -0.266
> 177 Universalism  ~   Symbolic  68.738 -0.298  -0.976   -0.976   -0.976
> 188   Conformity  ~       agea  62.288 -0.010  -0.014   -0.253   -0.014
> 183 Universalism  ~    lrscale  60.023  0.093   0.139    0.253    0.139
semPaths(sem.AT, nCharNodes = 0, layout = "spring")

s.tab <- semTable(list(cfa.AT, sem.AT), 
                 columns = "eststars", 
                 type = "html", 
                 print.results = FALSE)
Model 1Model 2
Factor Loadings
Regression Slopes
Residual Variances
Residual Covariances
agea w/gndr-0.07+
agea w/hincfel-0.02+
agea w/eisced-1.03+
agea w/lrscale1.90+
agea w/rlgdgr10.16+
gndr w/hincfel-0.00+
gndr w/eisced0.01+
gndr w/lrscale-0.03+
gndr w/rlgdgr0.20+
hincfel w/eisced-0.17+
hincfel w/lrscale0.04+
hincfel w/rlgdgr0.08+
eisced w/lrscale-0.18+
eisced w/rlgdgr-0.03+
lrscale w/rlgdgr0.61+
Latent Variances
Latent Covariances
Allow w/Symbolic-1.15***-0.52***
Allow w/Universalism0.22***
Allow w/Conformity-0.10***
Symbolic w/Universalism-0.73***
Symbolic w/Conformity0.35***
Universalism w/Conformity0.10***0.09***
Fit Indices
+Fixed parameter
*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001

1.4 Модель 2

В исходной статье также рассматривается модель медиации, в которой эффект ценностей на положительное мнение о въезде иммигрантов опосредовано фактором символической угрозы.

  • Достройте модель и оцените непрямой и общий эффекты ценностей на мнение о въезде иммигрантов.
  • Подтвердились ли гипотезы, отображенные на диаграмме выше?
  • Совпадают ли результаты с приведенными в статье?
sem.AT2.full <- sem("Allow =~ imsmetn + imdfetn + impcntr;
            Symbolic =~ imueclt + imwbcnt + rlgueim;
            Universalism =~ ipeqopt + ipudrst;
            Conformity =~ ipfrule + ipmodst + ipbhprp + imptrad;
            # регрессии
            Allow  ~ A_U*Universalism + A_C*Conformity;
            Symbolic ~ U_S*Universalism + C_S*Conformity;
            # контрольные переменные
            Allow + Symbolic ~ agea + gndr + hincfel + eisced + lrscale + rlgdgr ;
            # новые строчки
            Allow ~ A_S*Symbolic;
            IND_U := A_S*U_S;
            IND_C := A_S*C_S;
            TOT_U := IND_U + A_U;
            TOT_C := IND_C + A_C;
            ess7[ess7$cntry == "AT",],
            estimator = "ml",
            missing = "listwise")

summary(sem.AT2.full, fit = T, est = T)
> lavaan 0.6-9 ended normally after 76 iterations
>   Estimator                                         ML
>   Optimization method                           NLMINB
>   Number of model parameters                        42
>                                                   Used       Total
>   Number of observations                          1475        1795
> Model Test User Model:
>   Test statistic                               684.271
>   Degrees of freedom                               108
>   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000
> Model Test Baseline Model:
>   Test statistic                              7693.810
>   Degrees of freedom                               138
>   P-value                                        0.000
> User Model versus Baseline Model:
>   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.924
>   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.903
> Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
>   Loglikelihood user model (H0)             -25573.083
>   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)     -25230.948
>   Akaike (AIC)                               51230.166
>   Bayesian (BIC)                             51452.615
>   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)        51319.194
> Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
>   RMSEA                                          0.060
>   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.056
>   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.064
>   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.000
> Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
>   SRMR                                           0.065
> Parameter Estimates:
>   Standard errors                             Standard
>   Information                                 Expected
>   Information saturated (h1) model          Structured
> Latent Variables:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>   Allow =~                                            
>     imsmetn           1.000                           
>     imdfetn           1.292    0.035   37.173    0.000
>     impcntr           1.229    0.035   34.635    0.000
>   Symbolic =~                                         
>     imueclt           1.000                           
>     imwbcnt           0.817    0.023   36.103    0.000
>     rlgueim           0.727    0.025   29.385    0.000
>   Universalism =~                                     
>     ipeqopt           1.000                           
>     ipudrst           0.899    0.074   12.093    0.000
>   Conformity =~                                       
>     ipfrule           1.000                           
>     ipmodst           0.715    0.064   11.143    0.000
>     ipbhprp           1.097    0.081   13.466    0.000
>     imptrad           0.907    0.072   12.629    0.000
> Regressions:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>   Allow ~                                             
>     Unvrslsm (A_U)    0.195    0.033    5.839    0.000
>     Confrmty (A_C)   -0.139    0.028   -4.992    0.000
>   Symbolic ~                                          
>     Unvrslsm (U_S)   -1.498    0.142  -10.520    0.000
>     Confrmty (C_S)    1.048    0.121    8.643    0.000
>   Allow ~                                             
>     agea             -0.000    0.001   -0.289    0.773
>     gndr              0.003    0.025    0.138    0.890
>     hincfel           0.050    0.018    2.745    0.006
>     eisced           -0.005    0.005   -1.075    0.282
>     lrscale           0.028    0.007    3.877    0.000
>     rlgdgr           -0.008    0.005   -1.774    0.076
>   Symbolic ~                                          
>     agea             -0.011    0.003   -3.388    0.001
>     gndr             -0.080    0.111   -0.724    0.469
>     hincfel          -0.413    0.080   -5.188    0.000
>     eisced            0.032    0.022    1.491    0.136
>     lrscale          -0.236    0.031   -7.703    0.000
>     rlgdgr            0.112    0.020    5.609    0.000
>   Allow ~                                             
>     Symbolic (A_S)   -0.162    0.010  -16.477    0.000
> Covariances:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>   Universalism ~~                                     
>     Conformity        0.094    0.020    4.744    0.000
> Variances:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>    .imsmetn           0.284    0.012   23.954    0.000
>    .imdfetn           0.079    0.008    9.288    0.000
>    .impcntr           0.207    0.011   19.374    0.000
>    .imueclt           1.400    0.101   13.908    0.000
>    .imwbcnt           1.490    0.081   18.409    0.000
>    .rlgueim           2.645    0.112   23.546    0.000
>    .ipeqopt           0.424    0.038   11.067    0.000
>    .ipudrst           0.589    0.036   16.535    0.000
>    .ipfrule           1.155    0.054   21.255    0.000
>    .ipmodst           1.110    0.046   24.127    0.000
>    .ipbhprp           0.661    0.044   15.040    0.000
>    .imptrad           1.058    0.048   21.895    0.000
>    .Allow             0.165    0.011   14.648    0.000
>    .Symbolic          3.190    0.200   15.962    0.000
>     Universalism      0.447    0.045    9.965    0.000
>     Conformity        0.475    0.054    8.764    0.000
> Defined Parameters:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>     IND_U             0.242    0.025    9.771    0.000
>     IND_C            -0.169    0.021   -8.073    0.000
>     TOT_U             0.437    0.041   10.728    0.000
>     TOT_C            -0.309    0.034   -9.040    0.000
sem.AT2.partial <- sem("Allow =~ imsmetn + imdfetn + impcntr;
            Symbolic =~ imueclt + imwbcnt + rlgueim;
            Universalism =~ ipeqopt + ipudrst;
            Conformity =~ ipfrule + ipmodst + ipbhprp + imptrad;
            # регрессии
            # Allow  ~ A_U*Universalism + A_C*Conformity;
            Symbolic ~ U_S*Universalism + C_S*Conformity;
            # контрольные переменные
            Allow + Symbolic ~ agea + gndr + hincfel + eisced + lrscale + rlgdgr ;
            # новые строчки
            Allow ~ A_S*Symbolic;
            IND_U := A_S*U_S;
            IND_C := A_S*C_S;
            # TOT_U := IND_U + A_U;
            # TOT_C := IND_C + A_C;
            ess7[ess7$cntry == "AT",],
            estimator = "ml",
            missing = "listwise")

lavTestLRT(sem.AT2.full, sem.AT2.partial)

1.5 Модель 3

В статье используются также данные из других стран и особый вид модели - мультигрупповой КФА, в котором одновременной подсчитываются параметры для нескольких групп (стран).

  • Достройте модель до мультигрупповой, добавив аргумент group = "cntry" и убрав из формулы имена параметров и определения непрямых эффектов (последнее необходимо, чтобы избежать фиксирования параметров во всех группах).
  • Постройте таблицу с параметрами для всех групп, используя semTable().
sem.MG <- sem("Allow =~ imsmetn + imdfetn + impcntr;
            Symbolic =~ imueclt + imwbcnt + rlgueim;
            Universalism =~ ipeqopt + ipudrst;
            Conformity =~ ipfrule + ipmodst + ipbhprp  + imptrad;
            # регрессии
            Allow  ~ Universalism + Conformity;
            Symbolic ~ Universalism + Conformity;
            # контрольные переменные
            Allow + Symbolic ~ agea + gndr + hincfel + eisced + lrscale + rlgdgr ;
            # новые строчки
            Allow ~ Symbolic;

            group = "cntry",
            estimator = "ml",
            missing = "listwise")

#summary(sem.AT3, fit = T, est = F)

stab <- semTable::semTable(sem.MG, 
                           columns = "eststars", 
                           type = "html", 
                           print.results = FALSE)
Factor Loadings
Regression Slopes
Universalism0.19***0.25***0.12*0.66**0.18***0.15***0.18**0.12 0.13***0.11**0.17***0.31*0.26***0.16***-0.27 0.16**0.14***0.16 0.07 0.16***0.08 
Conformity-0.14***-0.11*-0.08**-0.48*-0.09***-0.08***-0.13**-0.08*-0.06***-0.06 -0.07**-0.18 -0.08**-0.11***0.17 -0.06*-0.06*-0.03 -0.03 -0.03 0.00 
agea-0.00 0.00*0.00***0.00 0.00 0.00***0.01***0.00 0.00***0.00***0.00***0.00**0.00***0.00***0.00 -0.00*0.00***0.01***-0.00 0.00*0.01***
gndr0.00 0.04 0.01 0.04 0.05**0.00 -0.02 -0.04 -0.01 -0.01 0.03 0.03 0.00 -0.03 -0.02 0.02 0.01 -0.02 -0.06 -0.03 -0.04 
hincfel0.05**0.03 0.03*0.02 0.05***0.03 0.04*0.03 0.03 0.03*0.04*-0.00 0.01 0.02*0.01 0.04 -0.01 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.01 
eisced-0.01 -0.00 -0.04***-0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03*-0.00 -0.06***0.00 -0.02*-0.00 -0.01*-0.04*-0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 -0.03 
lrscale0.03***0.02***0.04***-0.02*0.02***0.01**0.00 0.03***0.01**0.02***0.00 0.02*0.02**0.03***0.02**0.02 0.02***0.01 0.01 0.01*0.01 
rlgdgr-0.01 0.01*-0.01*-0.02**-0.01***-0.00 0.01*0.00 0.01**0.00 -0.01 -0.01 0.01*0.01***-0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.02**
Universalism-1.50***-2.18***-1.89***-1.74**-1.85***-1.50***-1.14***-1.33***-1.03***-1.66***-1.84***-1.05*-1.51***-1.47***0.58 -1.55***-1.31***-2.22***-1.00***-1.40***-2.00***
Conformity1.05***1.10***0.93***1.52**0.78***0.64***0.63***0.64***0.53***1.43***0.95***0.61 0.85***1.05***-0.39 0.58***0.70***1.19***0.71***0.60***1.55***
agea-0.01***-0.01***0.00 0.00 -0.01**-0.00 -0.03***-0.01 -0.01***-0.01***-0.02***-0.01*-0.01*0.02***-0.02***-0.00*0.00 0.00 -0.01*-0.01***-0.00 
gndr-0.08 -0.32***-0.22*0.26*-0.23**0.13 0.12 -0.46***0.20**-0.16 -0.47***-0.06 -0.18 -0.10 0.26*-0.07 0.06 -0.00 -0.30*0.15 0.02 
hincfel-0.41***-0.60***-0.02 -0.08 -0.45***-0.43***-0.08 -0.13 -0.29***-0.34***-0.61***-0.24**-0.44***-0.43***-0.30***-0.33***-0.32***-0.24*-0.34***-0.42***-0.25**
eisced0.03 0.05***0.37***0.18**0.40***0.23***0.13**0.24***0.16***0.35***0.01*0.01 0.06***0.02 0.21***0.03**0.07***0.14**0.11***0.07***0.52***
lrscale-0.24***-0.10***-0.33***0.09***-0.18***-0.15***0.03 -0.06*-0.01 -0.27***-0.12***-0.07**0.00 0.13***-0.04 -0.17***-0.20***-0.03 0.03 -0.08***-0.22***
rlgdgr0.11***0.09***0.08***0.01 0.08***0.02 0.07***0.02 0.05***0.08***0.12***0.06**0.02 -0.07***0.02 0.04**0.04 -0.04 -0.01 0.08***0.07**
Residual Variances
Residual Covariances
agea w/gndr-0.07+0.18+0.10+-0.02+0.02+0.29+1.02+-0.04+0.14+0.13+-0.26+0.40+-0.42+0.28+0.76+-0.71+0.06+-0.05+0.22+0.02+-0.15+
agea w/hincfel-0.02+1.65+0.60+1.54+-0.39+-0.88+3.15+0.37+-0.51+-0.06+-2.65+1.01+-1.01+-0.22+3.19+-0.69+-2.13+2.42+2.39+-0.05+2.30+
agea w/eisced-1.03+-5.86+0.48+0.32+1.72+1.12+-0.77+-7.19+-3.61+-5.56+6.04+-1.60+-8.55+-7.76+-2.85+-3.26+2.42+-4.77+-10.25+-3.86+-4.15+
agea w/lrscale1.90+0.37+3.64+-10.17+2.08+2.56+-3.44+4.10+3.50+2.62+5.95+-8.35+5.41+1.64+-2.44+0.83+1.25+-0.06+3.72+3.01+-0.17+
agea w/rlgdgr10.16+9.10+9.80+8.08+2.96+9.90+2.79+12.21+12.99+9.51+11.33+12.41+14.38+-2.54+15.17+7.28+11.00+8.98+14.72+9.19+2.35+
gndr w/hincfel-0.00+0.00+0.01+0.04+0.02+0.01+0.04+0.01+0.01+0.04+0.03+0.00+0.03+0.02+0.04+-0.00+0.03+0.02+0.04+0.02+0.03+
gndr w/eisced0.01+0.03+-0.07+-0.02+-0.05+0.08+0.06+0.02+0.07+-0.03+-0.24+0.01+0.04+-0.08+0.06+-0.01+0.05+0.06+-0.01+0.04+0.00+
gndr w/lrscale-0.03+-0.06+-0.13+-0.04+-0.03+-0.15+-0.02+0.06+-0.03+-0.07+-0.09+-0.12+-0.02+0.00+0.07+-0.10+-0.10+-0.02+-0.01+-0.07+-0.00+
gndr w/rlgdgr0.20+0.19+0.19+0.17+0.14+0.22+0.21+0.24+0.26+0.26+0.15+0.23+0.11+0.08+0.25+0.18+0.23+0.24+0.24+0.18+0.22+
hincfel w/eisced-0.17+-0.22+-0.13+-0.16+-0.16+-0.05+-0.14+-0.33+-0.15+-0.28+-0.25+-0.20+-0.20+-0.51+-0.25+-0.15+0.00+-0.18+-0.42+-0.11+-0.20+
hincfel w/lrscale0.04+-0.20+-0.10+-0.23+-0.10+-0.14+-0.22+-0.08+-0.19+-0.05+-0.22+-0.07+-0.13+0.16+-0.16+-0.16+-0.10+-0.01+-0.17+-0.23+0.10+
hincfel w/rlgdgr0.08+0.23+0.27+0.18+-0.12+0.01+0.15+0.05+0.02+0.22+-0.08+0.02+0.00+0.31+0.16+0.18+0.08+0.08+0.26+0.09+0.24+
eisced w/lrscale-0.18+0.37+-0.17+0.30+-0.10+-0.38+0.23+-0.16+0.30+-0.18+0.85+0.06+0.05+0.30+0.08+-0.17+-0.08+-0.13+-0.21+0.21+-0.30+
eisced w/rlgdgr-0.03+-0.63+-0.26+0.12+0.03+-0.13+0.33+-0.61+-0.01+-0.30+-0.55+-0.15+-0.85+0.11+-0.19+0.10+-0.43+-0.53+-1.17+-0.15+-0.52+
lrscale w/rlgdgr0.61+0.37+0.27+0.02+1.10+0.64+-0.28+2.26+0.93+1.37+0.91+-0.11+0.94+1.94+-0.12+0.44+0.52+1.69+1.52+0.71+2.57+
Latent Intercepts
Latent Variances
Latent Covariances
Universalism w/Conformity0.09***0.11***0.09***0.32***0.07***0.11***0.25***0.11***0.13***0.14***0.11***0.25***0.22***0.34***0.43***0.13***0.17***0.24***0.20***0.07**0.11***
Fit Indices
_BOML10_+Fixed parameter
_BOML10_*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001

2 Дополнительное задание для энтузиастов – Политическое участие в Испании

В этом упражнении мы а) воспроизведем пошагово модель из статьи Фернандеса и Франсеса о политическом участии в Испании, а затем улучшим ее.

2.1 Воспроизведем модель

Данные из первого раунда ESS для модели можете найти в файле Spain.Rdata, его можно загрузить командой load(‘Spain.Rdata’). Содержание переменных приведено в таблице ниже

label Nº variable in questionnaire
contact B15 Contacted politician or government official last 12 months(Recode 0=No / 1= Yes)
workorg B17 Worked in another organisation or association last 12 months (Recode 0=No / 1= Yes)
petition B19 Signed petition last 12 months (Recode 0=No / 1= Yes)
demonstr B20 Taken part in lawful public demonstration last 12 months (Recode 0=No / 1= Yes)
boycott B21 Boycotted certain products last 12 months (Recode 0=No / 1= Yes)
tv A2 TV watching, news/ politics/current affairs on average weekday
radio A4 Radio listening, news/ politics/current affairs on average weekday
trust A8 Most people can be trusted or you can’t be too careful
fairness A9 Most people try to take advantage of you, or try to be fair
interest B1 How interested in politics (Recode – reverse range)
close.party B25a Feel closer to a particular party than all other parties (Recode 0=No / 1= Yes)
soc.activity C4 Take part in social activities compared to others of same age
participate Generated new variable. Association participate. in E1 to E12. (Recoded new variable 0=No / 1= Yes)
voluntary Generated new variable. Voluntary work in associations. in E1 to E12. (Recoded new variable 0=No / 1= Yes)

2.2 Просмотрите статью.

Ознакомьтесь с теоретической моделью на Рисунке 1.

2.3 Построим первую факторную модель

Постройте первую факторную модель двух типов индивидуального политического участия в Испании: институционально оформленное и институциональное неоформленное (Figure 2). Институционально оформленное участие может выражаться в таких индикаторах, как контакты с политиками или чиновниками, и взаимодействие с общественными организациями. Институционально не оформленное политическое участие предполагает подписание петиций, участие в демонстрациях, бойкотирование продукции. Обратите внимание, что для идентификации модели используется не привычная фиксация одной из факторных нагрузок (это видно на диаграмме), а фиксация дисперсии латентной переменной. На диаграмме вместо коэффициентов отражены t-значения, то есть отношение коэффициента к его стандартной ошибке. Сверьте получившиеся статистики согласия и коэффициенты с изложенными в статье. Если какие-то значения совсем не совпадают, попробуйте понять, почему.

2.4 Построим вторую факторную модель

Постройте вторую факторную модель - измерительную модель для независимых переменных, призванных, согласно теории, объяснять политическое участие в Испании (Figure 3).


#  Формула первой измерительной модели 
cfa1.formula <- "institutionalized =~ NA*contact+ NA*workorg;
non.institutionalized =~ NA*petition + NA*demonstr + NA*boycott;
institutionalized ~~ 1*institutionalized;
non.institutionalized  ~~ 1*non.institutionalized;"

#  Формула второй измерительной модели 
cfa2.formula <- "associationalism =~ NA*voluntary + NA*participate; associationalism~~1*associationalism;
closeness =~ 1*close.party; close.party ~~ 0*close.party;

social.trust =~ NA*trust + NA*fairness; social.trust ~~ 1*social.trust;
information =~ NA*tv + NA*radio; information ~~ 1*information;

pol.interest =~ 1*interest; interest ~~ 0*interest;

sociability =~ 1*soc.activity; soc.activity ~~ 0*soc.activity;"

# Собственно КФА
CFA1<-cfa(cfa1.formula, Spain, estimator = "ML", missing="listwise")
CFA2<-cfa(cfa2.formula, Spain, estimator = "ML", missing="listwise")

# Диаграммы моделей
semPaths(CFA1, intercepts=F, nCharNodes = 10, whatLabels="est", layout="tree2", rotation=2)

semPaths(CFA2, intercepts=F, nCharNodes = 10, whatLabels="est", layout="tree2", rotation=4)

# summary(CFA1, fit.measures=T)
# summary(CFA2, fit.measures=T)

Обратите внимание, что в модели присутствует несколько факторов, измеренных одним индикатором. Чтобы модель была идентифицирована необходимо зафиксировать остаток индикатора ~~0. На практике это означает, что данные индикаторы подменяются латентными переменными, это было сделано из-за того, что в программе LISREL, в которой строилась эта модель, нельзя использовать наблюдаемые переменные как таковые. Итак, мы воспроизвели две измерительные модели для латентных переменных, интересующих нас (политическое участие) и для латентных переменных, призванных объяснить политическое участие (участие в ассоциациях, межличностное доверие и потребление политической информации). Теперь можно переходить к тестированию причинно-следственных связей между латентными переменными.

2.5 Постройте структурную модель

Постройте структурную модель, изображенную на Рисунке 4 в статье. Используйте эстиматор MLR, т.к. ML в данном случае скорее всего не сработает. Сравните характеристики качества модели и величины коэффициентов На рис.4 в статье приведены стандартизованные коэффициенты. Совпадают ли они? Каковы могут быть причины несовпадений? Обратите внимание на размер выборки после LISTWISE-удаления пропущенных данных. Все ли ключевые параметры значимы? Проверьте вывод авторов «In our study we find that [institutionalized individual participation] holds an inverse relation with social trust (-0.11)… and is related positively with associationalism (0.53) and closeness to a political party (0.08)».

  • Возможны ли другие причинно-следственные отношения между переменными?
  • Отвечают ли выстроенные отношения условиям каузальности?
  • Что следует изменить в модели?
# Здесь берем старые формулы КФА и добавляем к ним регрессионные связи между латентными переменными.
structural.formula <- paste(cfa1.formula,
"institutionalized ~ associationalism + closeness + social.trust + 
    information + pol.interest + sociability + non.institutionalized;
 non.institutionalized ~ associationalism + closeness + social.trust + 
    information + pol.interest + sociability + institutionalized")

structural.model <- sem(structural.formula, 
                        estimator = "MLR",

         nCharNodes = 10, 

# summary(structural.model, fit.measures=T)
# standardizedSolution(structural.model, type="std.all")

2.6 Улучшим модель

Теперь перестроим эту модель заново, с учетом того, что многие переменные не имеют нормального распределения (какие это переменные?), а многие факторы не являются факторами.

  • Постройте КФА с пятью факторами, используемыми в статье, без фальшивых одноиндикаторных факторов и с использованием подходящего для категориальных переменных эстиматора WLS и учетом дихотомичности некоторых переменных. Модель, вероятно, не сойдется до тех пор пока не вы не зафиксируете остаток индикатора tv равным 0,05 (это вынужденная мера).
  • Постройте структурную модель с одними латентными переменными. Исключите взаименое влияние двух типов политического участия, т.к. они не соответствуют условиям каузальности и теперь такая нерекурсивная модель не идентифицирована. Посмотрите на статистики согласия и на путевую диаграмму.
  • Наконец, включите наблюдаемые переменные close.party, interest и soc.activity в качестве наблюдаемых.
  • Посмотрите на статистики согласия итоговой модели, на модификационные индексы, на параметры.

Подтверждаются ли выводы авторов статьи? Как еще можно улучшить модель с теоретической и практической точки зрения?

#### 3. Better and more correct way to model. Does it change the results? ####

#Correct common CFA with ordinal indicators and without fake factors

my.cfa.formula <- "institutionalized =~ NA*contact + NA*workorg;
non.institutionalized =~ NA*petition + NA*demonstr + NA*boycott;
institutionalized ~~ 1*institutionalized;
non.institutionalized  ~~ 1*non.institutionalized;
associationalism =~ NA*voluntary + NA*participate; 
social.trust =~ NA*trust + NA*fairness; social.trust ~~ 1*social.trust;
information =~ NA*tv + NA*radio; information ~~ 1*information;
tv ~~ .05*tv;"

myCFA<-cfa(my.cfa.formula, Spain, estimator = "WLS", missing="listwise", ordered=c("contact", "workorg", "petition", "demonstr", "boycott", "voluntary", "participate"))

semPaths(myCFA, intercepts=F, nCharNodes = 10, whatLabels="std", layout="tree2", rotation=4, residuals=T, shapeMan="rectangle", sizeMan=10, sizeMan2=1.5)

summary(myCFA, fit.measures=T)
> lavaan 0.6-9 ended normally after 42 iterations
>   Estimator                                        WLS
>   Optimization method                           NLMINB
>   Number of model parameters                        35
>                                                   Used       Total
>   Number of observations                          1062        1729
> Model Test User Model:
>   Test statistic                                33.017
>   Degrees of freedom                                35
>   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.564
> Model Test Baseline Model:
>   Test statistic                              1727.080
>   Degrees of freedom                                55
>   P-value                                        0.000
> User Model versus Baseline Model:
>   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    1.000
>   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       1.002
> Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
>   RMSEA                                          0.000
>   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.000
>   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.020
>   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          1.000
> Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
>   SRMR                                           0.035
> Parameter Estimates:
>   Standard errors                             Standard
>   Information                                 Expected
>   Information saturated (h1) model        Unstructured
> Latent Variables:
>                            Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>   institutionalized =~                                        
>     contact                   0.657    0.043   15.267    0.000
>     workorg                   0.847    0.038   22.056    0.000
>   non.institutionalized =~                                    
>     petition                  0.890    0.026   33.783    0.000
>     demonstr                  0.884    0.026   33.669    0.000
>     boycott                   0.676    0.043   15.735    0.000
>   associationalism =~                                         
>     voluntary                 0.863    0.050   17.297    0.000
>     participate               0.845    0.046   18.556    0.000
>   social.trust =~                                             
>     trust                     1.726    0.199    8.684    0.000
>     fairness                  1.535    0.173    8.865    0.000
>   information =~                                              
>     tv                        1.349    0.025   54.788    0.000
>     radio                     0.577    0.049   11.739    0.000
> Covariances:
>                            Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>   institutionalized ~~                                        
>     non.instttnlzd            0.864    0.043   20.114    0.000
>     associationlsm            0.784    0.057   13.798    0.000
>     social.trust              0.034    0.056    0.614    0.539
>     information              -0.065    0.054   -1.193    0.233
>   non.institutionalized ~~                                    
>     associationlsm            0.520    0.049   10.518    0.000
>     social.trust              0.216    0.050    4.364    0.000
>     information              -0.042    0.042   -0.996    0.319
>   associationalism ~~                                         
>     social.trust              0.050    0.052    0.962    0.336
>     information              -0.016    0.048   -0.336    0.737
>   social.trust ~~                                             
>     information               0.045    0.035    1.283    0.199
> Intercepts:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>    .contact           0.000                           
>    .workorg           0.000                           
>    .petition          0.000                           
>    .demonstr          0.000                           
>    .boycott           0.000                           
>    .voluntary         0.000                           
>    .participate       0.000                           
>    .trust             6.016    0.068   88.021    0.000
>    .fairness          6.333    0.067   93.928    0.000
>    .tv                3.080    0.052   58.922    0.000
>    .radio             2.864    0.087   33.025    0.000
>     institutionlzd    0.000                           
>     non.instttnlzd    0.000                           
>     associationlsm    0.000                           
>     social.trust      0.000                           
>     information       0.000                           
> Thresholds:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>     contact|t1        1.129    0.048   23.379    0.000
>     workorg|t1        0.918    0.044   20.816    0.000
>     petition|t1       0.621    0.041   15.283    0.000
>     demonstr|t1       0.885    0.044   20.180    0.000
>     boycott|t1        1.335    0.052   25.540    0.000
>     voluntary|t1      1.470    0.058   25.529    0.000
>     participate|t1    0.587    0.041   14.435    0.000
> Variances:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>     institutionlzd    1.000                           
>     non.instttnlzd    1.000                           
>     associationlsm    1.000                           
>     social.trust      1.000                           
>     information       1.000                           
>    .tv                0.050                           
>    .contact           0.568                           
>    .workorg           0.282                           
>    .petition          0.208                           
>    .demonstr          0.219                           
>    .boycott           0.543                           
>    .voluntary         0.255                           
>    .participate       0.286                           
>    .trust             1.862    0.632    2.947    0.003
>    .fairness          2.228    0.516    4.319    0.000
>    .radio             3.207    0.157   20.438    0.000
> Scales y*:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>     contact           1.000                           
>     workorg           1.000                           
>     petition          1.000                           
>     demonstr          1.000                           
>     boycott           1.000                           
>     voluntary         1.000                           
>     participate       1.000
modificationIndices(myCFA, sort=TRUE)
>                       lhs op         rhs    mi    epc sepc.lv sepc.all sepc.nox
> 138              petition ~~       radio 4.764 -0.146  -0.146   -0.179   -0.179
> 116               contact ~~   voluntary 3.711 -0.138  -0.138   -0.362   -0.362
> 89       associationalism =~     boycott 3.477 -0.173  -0.173   -0.173   -0.173
> 147               boycott ~~ participate 3.435 -0.099  -0.099   -0.251   -0.251
> 133              petition ~~   voluntary 3.104  0.088   0.088    0.384    0.384
> 128               workorg ~~    fairness 2.976 -0.144  -0.144   -0.182   -0.182
> 137              petition ~~          tv 2.532  0.092   0.092    0.905    0.905
> 102          social.trust =~       radio 2.478 -0.103  -0.103   -0.055   -0.055
> 101          social.trust =~          tv 2.478  0.240   0.240    0.176    0.176
> 165              fairness ~~       radio 2.242 -0.145  -0.145   -0.054   -0.054
> 70      institutionalized =~     boycott 2.159 -0.242  -0.242   -0.242   -0.242
> 164              fairness ~~          tv 2.104  0.111   0.111    0.332    0.332
> 127               workorg ~~       trust 2.085  0.124   0.124    0.171    0.171
> 155             voluntary ~~          tv 2.012 -0.124  -0.124   -1.101   -1.101
> 136              petition ~~    fairness 1.890 -0.094  -0.094   -0.138   -0.138
> 143              demonstr ~~    fairness 1.885  0.096   0.096    0.137    0.137
> 87       associationalism =~    petition 1.857  0.114   0.114    0.114    0.114
> 131              petition ~~    demonstr 1.744 -0.105  -0.105   -0.492   -0.492
> 154             voluntary ~~    fairness 1.705  0.137   0.137    0.181    0.181
> 108           information =~   voluntary 1.551 -0.081  -0.081   -0.081   -0.081
> 109           information =~ participate 1.551  0.079   0.079    0.079    0.079
> 72      institutionalized =~ participate 1.453 -0.336  -0.336   -0.336   -0.336
> 71      institutionalized =~   voluntary 1.453  0.343   0.343    0.343    0.343
> 84  non.institutionalized =~       radio 1.403 -0.083  -0.083   -0.044   -0.044
> 83  non.institutionalized =~          tv 1.403  0.194   0.194    0.142    0.142
> 78  non.institutionalized =~     workorg 1.351 -0.251  -0.251   -0.251   -0.251
> 77  non.institutionalized =~     contact 1.350  0.195   0.195    0.195    0.195
> 153             voluntary ~~       trust 1.349 -0.112  -0.112   -0.162   -0.162
> 81  non.institutionalized =~       trust 1.259  0.153   0.153    0.069    0.069
> 82  non.institutionalized =~    fairness 1.259 -0.136  -0.136   -0.063   -0.063
> 85       associationalism =~     contact 1.228 -0.149  -0.149   -0.149   -0.149
> 86       associationalism =~     workorg 1.228  0.192   0.192    0.192    0.192
> 68      institutionalized =~    petition 1.220  0.167   0.167    0.167    0.167
> 110           information =~       trust 1.182 -0.076  -0.076   -0.034   -0.034
> 111           information =~    fairness 1.182  0.067   0.067    0.031    0.031
> 140              demonstr ~~   voluntary 1.155 -0.057  -0.057   -0.240   -0.240
> 80  non.institutionalized =~ participate 1.141 -0.153  -0.153   -0.153   -0.153
> 79  non.institutionalized =~   voluntary 1.141  0.156   0.156    0.156    0.156
> 159           participate ~~          tv 1.130  0.085   0.085    0.710    0.710
> 162                 trust ~~          tv 1.085 -0.091  -0.091   -0.298   -0.298
> 132              petition ~~     boycott 0.937  0.050   0.050    0.149    0.149
> 151               boycott ~~       radio 0.918  0.087   0.087    0.066    0.066
> 130               workorg ~~       radio 0.779  0.063   0.063    0.066    0.066
> 135              petition ~~       trust 0.704  0.061   0.061    0.098    0.098
> 105           information =~    petition 0.704  0.039   0.039    0.039    0.039
> 124               workorg ~~     boycott 0.624 -0.041  -0.041   -0.105   -0.105
> 150               boycott ~~          tv 0.612 -0.056  -0.056   -0.340   -0.340
> 158           participate ~~    fairness 0.529  0.050   0.050    0.062    0.062
> 149               boycott ~~    fairness 0.456 -0.060  -0.060   -0.054   -0.054
> 142              demonstr ~~       trust 0.427 -0.048  -0.048   -0.075   -0.075
> 115               contact ~~     boycott 0.391  0.040   0.040    0.071    0.071
> 129               workorg ~~          tv 0.386 -0.052  -0.052   -0.434   -0.434
> 157           participate ~~       trust 0.344 -0.041  -0.041   -0.056   -0.056
> 114               contact ~~    demonstr 0.303  0.027   0.027    0.078    0.078
> 73      institutionalized =~       trust 0.292  0.057   0.057    0.026    0.026
> 74      institutionalized =~    fairness 0.292 -0.051  -0.051   -0.024   -0.024
> 97           social.trust =~    demonstr 0.291  0.024   0.024    0.024    0.024
> 76      institutionalized =~       radio 0.285 -0.037  -0.037   -0.020   -0.020
> 75      institutionalized =~          tv 0.285  0.087   0.087    0.063    0.063
> 125               workorg ~~   voluntary 0.267  0.036   0.036    0.133    0.133
> 141              demonstr ~~ participate 0.267  0.021   0.021    0.083    0.083
> 117               contact ~~ participate 0.265  0.031   0.031    0.077    0.077
> 106           information =~    demonstr 0.265 -0.023  -0.023   -0.023   -0.023
> 144              demonstr ~~          tv 0.242 -0.028  -0.028   -0.266   -0.266
> 107           information =~     boycott 0.232 -0.026  -0.026   -0.026   -0.026
> 166                    tv ~~       radio 0.232  0.596   0.596    1.488    1.488
> 17                     tv ~~          tv 0.232 -1.393  -0.050   -0.027   -0.027
> 156             voluntary ~~       radio 0.223  0.047   0.047    0.052    0.052
> 96           social.trust =~    petition 0.200 -0.021  -0.021   -0.021   -0.021
> 121               contact ~~       radio 0.199 -0.038  -0.038   -0.028   -0.028
> 126               workorg ~~ participate 0.184  0.026   0.026    0.092    0.092
> 122               workorg ~~    petition 0.167 -0.017  -0.017   -0.071   -0.071
> 90       associationalism =~       trust 0.152 -0.037  -0.037   -0.017   -0.017
> 91       associationalism =~    fairness 0.152  0.033   0.033    0.015    0.015
> 123               workorg ~~    demonstr 0.139  0.016   0.016    0.066    0.066
> 146               boycott ~~   voluntary 0.133  0.026   0.026    0.070    0.070
> 95           social.trust =~     workorg 0.126 -0.027  -0.027   -0.027   -0.027
> 94           social.trust =~     contact 0.126  0.021   0.021    0.021    0.021
> 120               contact ~~          tv 0.125  0.024   0.024    0.145    0.145
> 148               boycott ~~       trust 0.108  0.029   0.029    0.029    0.029
> 119               contact ~~    fairness 0.082  0.025   0.025    0.022    0.022
> 163                 trust ~~       radio 0.055  0.025   0.025    0.010    0.010
> 134              petition ~~ participate 0.047 -0.008  -0.008   -0.035   -0.035
> 104           information =~     workorg 0.038 -0.013  -0.013   -0.013   -0.013
> 103           information =~     contact 0.038  0.010   0.010    0.010    0.010
> 160           participate ~~       radio 0.033  0.012   0.012    0.013    0.013
> 98           social.trust =~     boycott 0.030 -0.010  -0.010   -0.010   -0.010
> 139              demonstr ~~     boycott 0.023  0.008   0.008    0.022    0.022
> 113               contact ~~    petition 0.009 -0.004  -0.004   -0.013   -0.013
> 88       associationalism =~    demonstr 0.008 -0.007  -0.007   -0.007   -0.007
> 69      institutionalized =~    demonstr 0.006 -0.011  -0.011   -0.011   -0.011
> 118               contact ~~       trust 0.006 -0.006  -0.006   -0.006   -0.006
> 100          social.trust =~ participate 0.003 -0.004  -0.004   -0.004   -0.004
> 99           social.trust =~   voluntary 0.003  0.004   0.004    0.004    0.004
> 93       associationalism =~       radio 0.002 -0.003  -0.003   -0.002   -0.002
> 92       associationalism =~          tv 0.002  0.008   0.008    0.006    0.006
> 145              demonstr ~~       radio 0.000  0.000   0.000    0.000    0.000
#Correct structural model using latent variables only

structural.formula <- paste(my.cfa.formula,
                            " institutionalized ~ associationalism + social.trust + information +a*non.institutionalized;
                            non.institutionalized ~ associationalism + social.trust + information +a*institutionalized;
my.structural.model <-sem(structural.formula, Spain, estimator = "WLS", missing="listwise", ordered=c("contact", "workorg", "petition", "demonstr", "boycott", "voluntary", "participate"))

semPaths(my.structural.model, intercepts=F, nCharNodes = 10, whatLabels="std", layout="tree2", rotation=4, residuals=F, shapeMan="rectangle", sizeMan=10, sizeMan2=1.5)

summary(my.structural.model, fit.measures=T)
> lavaan 0.6-9 ended normally after 75 iterations
>   Estimator                                        WLS
>   Optimization method                           NLMINB
>   Number of model parameters                        36
>   Number of equality constraints                     1
>                                                   Used       Total
>   Number of observations                          1062        1729
> Model Test User Model:
>   Test statistic                                33.017
>   Degrees of freedom                                35
>   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.564
> Model Test Baseline Model:
>   Test statistic                              1727.080
>   Degrees of freedom                                55
>   P-value                                        0.000
> User Model versus Baseline Model:
>   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    1.000
>   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       1.002
> Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
>   RMSEA                                          0.000
>   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.000
>   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.020
>   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          1.000
> Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
>   SRMR                                           0.035
> Parameter Estimates:
>   Standard errors                             Standard
>   Information                                 Expected
>   Information saturated (h1) model        Unstructured
> Latent Variables:
>                            Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>   institutionalized =~                                        
>     contact                   0.222    0.101    2.199    0.028
>     workorg                   0.286    0.132    2.164    0.030
>   non.institutionalized =~                                    
>     petition                  0.404    0.144    2.815    0.005
>     demonstr                  0.401    0.143    2.815    0.005
>     boycott                   0.307    0.111    2.762    0.006
>   associationalism =~                                         
>     voluntary                 0.863    0.050   17.297    0.000
>     participate               0.845    0.046   18.556    0.000
>   social.trust =~                                             
>     trust                     1.726    0.199    8.684    0.000
>     fairness                  1.535    0.173    8.865    0.000
>   information =~                                              
>     tv                        1.349    0.025   54.788    0.000
>     radio                     0.577    0.049   11.739    0.000
> Regressions:
>                           Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>   institutionalized ~                                        
>     assoctnlsm               1.641    0.741    2.214    0.027
>     socil.trst              -0.263    0.225   -1.169    0.242
>     informatin              -0.098    0.151   -0.649    0.516
>     nn.nstttnl (a)           0.602    0.153    3.947    0.000
>   non.institutionalized ~                                    
>     assoctnlsm              -0.272    0.645   -0.422    0.673
>     socil.trst               0.429    0.194    2.209    0.027
>     informatin              -0.001    0.104   -0.008    0.993
>     instttnlzd (a)           0.602    0.153    3.947    0.000
> Covariances:
>                       Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>   associationalism ~~                                    
>     social.trust         0.050    0.052    0.962    0.336
>     information         -0.016    0.048   -0.336    0.737
>   social.trust ~~                                        
>     information          0.045    0.035    1.283    0.199
> Intercepts:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>    .contact           0.000                           
>    .workorg           0.000                           
>    .petition          0.000                           
>    .demonstr          0.000                           
>    .boycott           0.000                           
>    .voluntary         0.000                           
>    .participate       0.000                           
>    .trust             6.016    0.068   88.021    0.000
>    .fairness          6.333    0.067   93.928    0.000
>    .tv                3.080    0.052   58.922    0.000
>    .radio             2.864    0.087   33.025    0.000
>    .institutionlzd    0.000                           
>    .non.instttnlzd    0.000                           
>     associationlsm    0.000                           
>     social.trust      0.000                           
>     information       0.000                           
> Thresholds:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>     contact|t1        1.129    0.048   23.379    0.000
>     workorg|t1        0.918    0.044   20.816    0.000
>     petition|t1       0.621    0.041   15.283    0.000
>     demonstr|t1       0.885    0.044   20.180    0.000
>     boycott|t1        1.335    0.052   25.540    0.000
>     voluntary|t1      1.470    0.058   25.529    0.000
>     participate|t1    0.587    0.041   14.435    0.000
> Variances:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>    .institutionlzd    1.000                           
>    .non.instttnlzd    1.000                           
>     associationlsm    1.000                           
>     social.trust      1.000                           
>     information       1.000                           
>    .tv                0.050                           
>    .contact           0.568                           
>    .workorg           0.282                           
>    .petition          0.208                           
>    .demonstr          0.219                           
>    .boycott           0.543                           
>    .voluntary         0.255                           
>    .participate       0.286                           
>    .trust             1.862    0.632    2.947    0.003
>    .fairness          2.228    0.516    4.319    0.000
>    .radio             3.207    0.157   20.438    0.000
> Scales y*:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>     contact           1.000                           
>     workorg           1.000                           
>     petition          1.000                           
>     demonstr          1.000                           
>     boycott           1.000                           
>     voluntary         1.000                           
>     participate       1.000
modificationIndices(my.structural.model, sort=TRUE)
>                       lhs op         rhs    mi    epc sepc.lv sepc.all sepc.nox
> 140              petition ~~       radio 4.764 -0.146  -0.146   -0.179   -0.179
> 118               contact ~~   voluntary 3.711 -0.138  -0.138   -0.362   -0.362
> 91       associationalism =~     boycott 3.477 -0.173  -0.173   -0.173   -0.173
> 149               boycott ~~ participate 3.435 -0.099  -0.099   -0.251   -0.251
> 135              petition ~~   voluntary 3.104  0.088   0.088    0.384    0.384
> 130               workorg ~~    fairness 2.976 -0.144  -0.144   -0.182   -0.182
> 139              petition ~~          tv 2.532  0.092   0.092    0.905    0.905
> 103          social.trust =~          tv 2.478  0.240   0.240    0.176    0.176
> 104          social.trust =~       radio 2.478 -0.103  -0.103   -0.055   -0.055
> 167              fairness ~~       radio 2.242 -0.145  -0.145   -0.054   -0.054
> 72      institutionalized =~     boycott 2.159 -0.082  -0.242   -0.242   -0.242
> 166              fairness ~~          tv 2.104  0.111   0.111    0.332    0.332
> 129               workorg ~~       trust 2.085  0.124   0.124    0.171    0.171
> 157             voluntary ~~          tv 2.012 -0.124  -0.124   -1.101   -1.101
> 138              petition ~~    fairness 1.890 -0.094  -0.094   -0.138   -0.138
> 145              demonstr ~~    fairness 1.885  0.096   0.096    0.137    0.137
> 89       associationalism =~    petition 1.858  0.114   0.114    0.114    0.114
> 133              petition ~~    demonstr 1.744 -0.105  -0.105   -0.492   -0.492
> 156             voluntary ~~    fairness 1.705  0.137   0.137    0.181    0.181
> 110           information =~   voluntary 1.551 -0.081  -0.081   -0.081   -0.081
> 111           information =~ participate 1.551  0.079   0.079    0.079    0.079
> 73      institutionalized =~   voluntary 1.453  0.116   0.343    0.343    0.343
> 74      institutionalized =~ participate 1.453 -0.113  -0.336   -0.336   -0.336
> 86  non.institutionalized =~       radio 1.403 -0.038  -0.083   -0.044   -0.044
> 85  non.institutionalized =~          tv 1.403  0.088   0.194    0.142    0.142
> 79  non.institutionalized =~     contact 1.350  0.088   0.195    0.195    0.195
> 80  non.institutionalized =~     workorg 1.350 -0.114  -0.251   -0.251   -0.251
> 155             voluntary ~~       trust 1.349 -0.112  -0.112   -0.162   -0.162
> 84  non.institutionalized =~    fairness 1.259 -0.062  -0.136   -0.063   -0.063
> 83  non.institutionalized =~       trust 1.259  0.069   0.153    0.069    0.069
> 88       associationalism =~     workorg 1.228  0.192   0.192    0.192    0.192
> 87       associationalism =~     contact 1.228 -0.149  -0.149   -0.149   -0.149
> 70      institutionalized =~    petition 1.220  0.056   0.167    0.167    0.167
> 113           information =~    fairness 1.182  0.067   0.067    0.031    0.031
> 112           information =~       trust 1.182 -0.076  -0.076   -0.034   -0.034
> 142              demonstr ~~   voluntary 1.155 -0.057  -0.057   -0.240   -0.240
> 81  non.institutionalized =~   voluntary 1.141  0.071   0.156    0.156    0.156
> 82  non.institutionalized =~ participate 1.141 -0.069  -0.152   -0.152   -0.152
> 161           participate ~~          tv 1.130  0.085   0.085    0.710    0.710
> 164                 trust ~~          tv 1.085 -0.091  -0.091   -0.298   -0.298
> 134              petition ~~     boycott 0.937  0.050   0.050    0.149    0.149
> 153               boycott ~~       radio 0.918  0.087   0.087    0.066    0.066
> 132               workorg ~~       radio 0.779  0.063   0.063    0.066    0.066
> 137              petition ~~       trust 0.704  0.061   0.061    0.098    0.098
> 107           information =~    petition 0.704  0.039   0.039    0.039    0.039
> 126               workorg ~~     boycott 0.624 -0.041  -0.041   -0.105   -0.105
> 152               boycott ~~          tv 0.612 -0.056  -0.056   -0.340   -0.340
> 160           participate ~~    fairness 0.529  0.050   0.050    0.062    0.062
> 151               boycott ~~    fairness 0.456 -0.060  -0.060   -0.054   -0.054
> 144              demonstr ~~       trust 0.427 -0.048  -0.048   -0.075   -0.075
> 117               contact ~~     boycott 0.391  0.040   0.040    0.071    0.071
> 131               workorg ~~          tv 0.386 -0.051  -0.051   -0.434   -0.434
> 159           participate ~~       trust 0.344 -0.041  -0.041   -0.056   -0.056
> 116               contact ~~    demonstr 0.303  0.027   0.027    0.078    0.078
> 76      institutionalized =~    fairness 0.292 -0.017  -0.051   -0.024   -0.024
> 75      institutionalized =~       trust 0.292  0.019   0.057    0.026    0.026
> 99           social.trust =~    demonstr 0.291  0.024   0.024    0.024    0.024
> 78      institutionalized =~       radio 0.285 -0.013  -0.037   -0.020   -0.020
> 77      institutionalized =~          tv 0.285  0.029   0.087    0.063    0.063
> 127               workorg ~~   voluntary 0.267  0.036   0.036    0.133    0.133
> 143              demonstr ~~ participate 0.267  0.021   0.021    0.083    0.083
> 119               contact ~~ participate 0.265  0.031   0.031    0.077    0.077
> 108           information =~    demonstr 0.265 -0.023  -0.023   -0.023   -0.023
> 146              demonstr ~~          tv 0.242 -0.028  -0.028   -0.266   -0.266
> 109           information =~     boycott 0.232 -0.026  -0.026   -0.026   -0.026
> 17                     tv ~~          tv 0.232 -1.393  -0.050   -0.027   -0.027
> 168                    tv ~~       radio 0.232  0.596   0.596    1.488    1.488
> 158             voluntary ~~       radio 0.223  0.047   0.047    0.052    0.052
> 98           social.trust =~    petition 0.200 -0.021  -0.021   -0.021   -0.021
> 123               contact ~~       radio 0.199 -0.038  -0.038   -0.028   -0.028
> 128               workorg ~~ participate 0.184  0.026   0.026    0.092    0.092
> 124               workorg ~~    petition 0.167 -0.017  -0.017   -0.071   -0.071
> 92       associationalism =~       trust 0.152 -0.037  -0.037   -0.017   -0.017
> 93       associationalism =~    fairness 0.152  0.033   0.033    0.015    0.015
> 125               workorg ~~    demonstr 0.139  0.016   0.016    0.066    0.066
> 148               boycott ~~   voluntary 0.133  0.026   0.026    0.070    0.070
> 97           social.trust =~     workorg 0.126 -0.027  -0.027   -0.027   -0.027
> 96           social.trust =~     contact 0.126  0.021   0.021    0.021    0.021
> 122               contact ~~          tv 0.125  0.024   0.024    0.145    0.145
> 150               boycott ~~       trust 0.108  0.029   0.029    0.029    0.029
> 121               contact ~~    fairness 0.082  0.025   0.025    0.022    0.022
> 165                 trust ~~       radio 0.055  0.025   0.025    0.010    0.010
> 136              petition ~~ participate 0.047 -0.008  -0.008   -0.035   -0.035
> 105           information =~     contact 0.038  0.010   0.010    0.010    0.010
> 106           information =~     workorg 0.038 -0.013  -0.013   -0.013   -0.013
> 162           participate ~~       radio 0.033  0.012   0.012    0.013    0.013
> 100          social.trust =~     boycott 0.030 -0.010  -0.010   -0.010   -0.010
> 141              demonstr ~~     boycott 0.023  0.008   0.008    0.022    0.022
> 115               contact ~~    petition 0.009 -0.004  -0.004   -0.013   -0.013
> 90       associationalism =~    demonstr 0.008 -0.007  -0.007   -0.007   -0.007
> 71      institutionalized =~    demonstr 0.006 -0.004  -0.011   -0.011   -0.011
> 120               contact ~~       trust 0.006 -0.006  -0.006   -0.006   -0.006
> 102          social.trust =~ participate 0.003 -0.004  -0.004   -0.004   -0.004
> 101          social.trust =~   voluntary 0.003  0.004   0.004    0.004    0.004
> 95       associationalism =~       radio 0.002 -0.003  -0.003   -0.002   -0.002
> 94       associationalism =~          tv 0.002  0.008   0.008    0.006    0.006
> 147              demonstr ~~       radio 0.000  0.000   0.000    0.000    0.000
#Correct structural model using both latent variables and  manifest variables 

structural.formula2 <- paste(my.cfa.formula,
                            " institutionalized ~ associationalism + social.trust + information + 
                          close.party + interest +  soc.activity  + a*non.institutionalized;

                          non.institutionalized ~ associationalism + social.trust + information + 
                                          close.party + interest +  soc.activity + a*institutionalized;
                          associationalism  ~     interest

my.structural.model2 <-sem(structural.formula2, Spain, estimator = "WLS", missing="listwise", 
                           ordered=c("contact", "workorg", "petition", "demonstr", "boycott", "voluntary", "participate"))

         nCharNodes = 10, 

summary(my.structural.model2, fit.measures=T)
> lavaan 0.6-9 did NOT end normally after 2615 iterations
> ** WARNING ** Estimates below are most likely unreliable
>   Estimator                                        WLS
>   Optimization method                           NLMINB
>   Number of model parameters                        41
>   Number of equality constraints                     1
>                                                   Used       Total
>   Number of observations                           983        1729
> Model Test User Model:
>   Test statistic                                    NA
>   Degrees of freedom                                NA
> Parameter Estimates:
>   Standard errors                             Standard
>   Information                                 Expected
>   Information saturated (h1) model        Unstructured
> Latent Variables:
>                            Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>   institutionalized =~                                        
>     contact                   0.009       NA                  
>     workorg                   0.012       NA                  
>   non.institutionalized =~                                    
>     petition                  0.029       NA                  
>     demonstr                  0.055       NA                  
>     boycott                   0.022       NA                  
>   associationalism =~                                         
>     voluntary                 0.835       NA                  
>     participate               0.801       NA                  
>   social.trust =~                                             
>     trust                     0.918       NA                  
>     fairness                  2.203       NA                  
>   information =~                                              
>     tv                        1.323       NA                  
>     radio                     0.554       NA                  
> Regressions:
>                           Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>   institutionalized ~                                        
>     assoctnlsm              48.754       NA                  
>     socil.trst               0.496       NA                  
>     informatin              -5.519       NA                  
>     close.prty               8.934       NA                  
>     interest                 5.235       NA                  
>     soc.actvty              13.446       NA                  
>     nn.nstttnl (a)           0.936       NA                  
>   non.institutionalized ~                                    
>     assoctnlsm             -44.677       NA                  
>     socil.trst               1.513       NA                  
>     informatin               4.948       NA                  
>     close.prty              -7.921       NA                  
>     interest                -4.190       NA                  
>     soc.actvty             -12.104       NA                  
>     instttnlzd (a)           0.936       NA                  
>   associationalism ~                                         
>     interest                 0.407       NA                  
> Covariances:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>   social.trust ~~                                     
>     information       0.025       NA                  
> Intercepts:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>    .contact           0.000                           
>    .workorg           0.000                           
>    .petition          0.000                           
>    .demonstr          0.000                           
>    .boycott           0.000                           
>    .voluntary         0.000                           
>    .participate       0.000                           
>    .trust             5.920       NA                  
>    .fairness          6.211       NA                  
>    .tv                3.080       NA                  
>    .radio             2.977       NA                  
>    .institutionlzd    0.000                           
>    .non.instttnlzd    0.000                           
>    .associationlsm    0.000                           
>     social.trust      0.000                           
>     information       0.000                           
> Thresholds:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>     contact|t1        2.394       NA                  
>     workorg|t1        2.662       NA                  
>     petition|t1       1.580       NA                  
>     demonstr|t1       2.896       NA                  
>     boycott|t1        2.116       NA                  
>     voluntary|t1      2.199       NA                  
>     participate|t1    1.241       NA                  
> Variances:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>    .institutionlzd    1.000                           
>    .non.instttnlzd    1.000                           
>    .associationlsm    1.000                           
>     social.trust      1.000                           
>     information       1.000                           
>    .tv                0.050                           
>    .contact           0.682                           
>    .workorg           0.475                           
>    .petition          0.628                           
>    .demonstr         -0.349                           
>    .boycott           0.788                           
>    .voluntary         0.302                           
>    .participate       0.358                           
>    .trust             3.200       NA                  
>    .fairness         -1.047       NA                  
>    .radio             3.130       NA                  
> Scales y*:
>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
>     contact           1.000                           
>     workorg           1.000                           
>     petition          1.000                           
>     demonstr          1.000                           
>     boycott           1.000                           
>     voluntary         1.000                           
>     participate       1.000
modificationIndices(my.structural.model2, sort=TRUE)
>                       lhs op                   rhs      mi      epc  sepc.lv sepc.all sepc.nox
> 159              demonstr ~~              fairness 288.711    3.433    3.433    5.677    5.677
> 113          social.trust =~              demonstr 160.659    1.672    1.672    1.484    1.484
> 152              petition ~~              fairness 137.424   -1.037   -1.037   -1.278   -1.278
> 85      institutionalized =~              demonstr 115.357   -0.018   -1.258   -1.116   -1.116
> 103      associationalism =~              petition 109.266    0.506    0.535    0.516    0.516
> 104      associationalism =~              demonstr 108.009   -0.862   -0.912   -0.809   -0.809
> 84      institutionalized =~              petition 103.078    0.010    0.698    0.673    0.673
> 112          social.trust =~              petition  92.763   -0.644   -0.644   -0.621   -0.621
> 183     institutionalized ~~ non.institutionalized  69.795 -420.296 -420.296 -420.296 -420.296
> 158              demonstr ~~                 trust  50.235   -0.896   -0.896   -0.848   -0.848
> 151              petition ~~                 trust  45.872    0.467    0.467    0.329    0.329
> 7   non.institutionalized ~~ non.institutionalized  37.789 -150.843   -0.002   -0.002   -0.002
> 138               workorg ~~              petition  27.016    0.201    0.201    0.367    0.367
> 177                 trust ~~              fairness  26.987 -118.345 -118.345  -64.636  -64.636
> 148              petition ~~               boycott  25.744    0.233    0.233    0.331    0.331
> 155              demonstr ~~               boycott  17.102   -0.247   -0.247   -0.472   -0.472
> 197      associationalism  ~          soc.activity  16.648    0.195    0.185    0.171    0.185
> 192      associationalism  ~     institutionalized  15.968    0.007    0.457    0.457    0.457
> 149              petition ~~             voluntary  12.100    0.202    0.202    0.463    0.463
> 114          social.trust =~               boycott  11.593   -0.289   -0.289   -0.283   -0.283
> 154              petition ~~                 radio  11.444   -0.218   -0.218   -0.155   -0.155
> 168             voluntary ~~           participate  11.344    0.372    0.372    1.130    1.130
> 210           information  ~              interest  10.777    0.112    0.112    0.094    0.112
> 132               contact ~~             voluntary  10.452   -0.265   -0.265   -0.584   -0.584
> 156              demonstr ~~             voluntary   9.377   -0.205   -0.205   -0.631   -0.631
> 86      institutionalized =~               boycott   8.930    0.004    0.254    0.248    0.248
> 118          social.trust =~                 radio   7.929   -0.136   -0.136   -0.073   -0.073
> 174           participate ~~              fairness   7.329    0.189    0.189    0.308    0.308
> 117          social.trust =~                    tv   7.207    0.308    0.308    0.230    0.230
> 202          social.trust  ~           close.party   6.971    0.154    0.154    0.077    0.154
> 88      institutionalized =~           participate   6.914    0.004    0.281    0.271    0.271
> 153              petition ~~                    tv   6.668    0.119    0.119    0.672    0.672
> 193      associationalism  ~ non.institutionalized   6.562    0.007    0.142    0.142    0.142
> 107      associationalism =~              fairness   6.316    0.173    0.183    0.094    0.094
> 181              fairness ~~                 radio   5.903   -0.243   -0.243   -0.134   -0.134
> 198          social.trust  ~     institutionalized   5.812    0.001    0.090    0.090    0.090
> 146               workorg ~~                 radio   5.747    0.173    0.173    0.142    0.142
> 90      institutionalized =~              fairness   5.644    0.002    0.161    0.082    0.082
> 211           information  ~          soc.activity   5.580   -0.073   -0.073   -0.068   -0.073
> 165               boycott ~~              fairness   5.392   -0.234   -0.234   -0.258   -0.258
> 209           information  ~           close.party   5.369    0.147    0.147    0.073    0.147
> 144               workorg ~~              fairness   5.359   -0.235   -0.235   -0.333   -0.333
> 199          social.trust  ~ non.institutionalized   5.337    0.006    0.135    0.135    0.135
> 131               contact ~~               boycott   5.332    0.147    0.147    0.201    0.201
> 87      institutionalized =~             voluntary   5.330    0.005    0.330    0.317    0.317
> 106      associationalism =~                 trust   4.123   -0.139   -0.147   -0.073   -0.073
> 200          social.trust  ~      associationalism   3.980    0.075    0.079    0.079    0.079
> 140               workorg ~~               boycott   3.941   -0.110   -0.110   -0.179   -0.179
> 98  non.institutionalized =~              fairness   3.871    0.009    0.211    0.108    0.108
> 164               boycott ~~                 trust   3.843    0.161    0.161    0.101    0.101
> 170             voluntary ~~              fairness   3.681    0.196    0.196    0.348    0.348
> 105      associationalism =~               boycott   3.672    0.123    0.130    0.127    0.127
> 116          social.trust =~           participate   3.450    0.064    0.064    0.062    0.062
> 109      associationalism =~                 radio   3.395    0.129    0.136    0.074    0.074
> 157              demonstr ~~           participate   3.387   -0.094   -0.094   -0.265   -0.265
> 171             voluntary ~~                    tv   3.265   -0.146   -0.146   -1.184   -1.184
> 99  non.institutionalized =~                    tv   3.137    0.005    0.125    0.094    0.094
> 96  non.institutionalized =~           participate   2.889    0.003    0.077    0.074    0.074
> 129               contact ~~              petition   2.882    0.078    0.078    0.119    0.119
> 190      associationalism ~~          social.trust   2.717    0.070    0.070    0.070    0.070
> 167               boycott ~~                 radio   2.690    0.143    0.143    0.091    0.091
> 194      associationalism  ~          social.trust   2.600    0.068    0.065    0.065    0.065
> 124           information =~             voluntary   2.503   -0.096   -0.096   -0.092   -0.092
> 182                    tv ~~                 radio   2.383    1.518    1.518    3.836    3.836
> 191      associationalism ~~           information   2.222   -0.070   -0.070   -0.070   -0.070
> 169             voluntary ~~                 trust   2.212   -0.145   -0.145   -0.148   -0.148
> 195      associationalism  ~           information   2.083   -0.068   -0.064   -0.064   -0.064
> 111          social.trust =~               workorg   2.053   -0.084   -0.084   -0.077   -0.077
> 128               contact ~~               workorg   2.029    0.084    0.084    0.148    0.148
> 6       institutionalized ~~     institutionalized   1.986   29.724    0.000    0.000    0.000
> 100 non.institutionalized =~                 radio   1.717   -0.003   -0.069   -0.037   -0.037
> 162               boycott ~~             voluntary   1.653    0.100    0.100    0.205    0.205
> 206           information  ~ non.institutionalized   1.520    0.003    0.078    0.078    0.078
> 141               workorg ~~             voluntary   1.490   -0.085   -0.085   -0.224   -0.224
> 147              petition ~~              demonstr   1.449   -0.102   -0.102   -0.218   -0.218
> 130               contact ~~              demonstr   1.389   -0.067   -0.067   -0.137   -0.137
> 203          social.trust  ~              interest   1.338    0.038    0.038    0.032    0.038
> 95  non.institutionalized =~             voluntary   1.312    0.003    0.077    0.074    0.074
> 134               contact ~~                 trust   1.253   -0.093   -0.093   -0.063   -0.063
> 160              demonstr ~~                    tv   1.088   -0.079   -0.079   -0.596   -0.596
> 179                 trust ~~                 radio   1.080    0.110    0.110    0.035    0.035
> 150              petition ~~           participate   0.990    0.041    0.041    0.086    0.086
> 139               workorg ~~              demonstr   0.951   -0.051   -0.051   -0.125   -0.125
> 89      institutionalized =~                 trust   0.893   -0.001   -0.065   -0.032   -0.032
> 143               workorg ~~                 trust   0.885   -0.073   -0.073   -0.060   -0.060
> 204          social.trust  ~          soc.activity   0.881    0.026    0.026    0.024    0.026
> 173           participate ~~                 trust   0.826   -0.062   -0.062   -0.058   -0.058
> 121           information =~              petition   0.811    0.033    0.033    0.032    0.032
> 92      institutionalized =~                 radio   0.797    0.001    0.057    0.031    0.031
> 166               boycott ~~                    tv   0.735   -0.060   -0.060   -0.300   -0.300
> 180              fairness ~~                    tv   0.602    0.106    0.106    0.465    0.465
> 145               workorg ~~                    tv   0.542   -0.048   -0.048   -0.312   -0.312
> 122           information =~              demonstr   0.488   -0.045   -0.045   -0.040   -0.040
> 142               workorg ~~           participate   0.480   -0.044   -0.044   -0.106   -0.106
> 17                     tv ~~                    tv   0.421   -1.109   -0.050   -0.028   -0.028
> 175           participate ~~                    tv   0.356   -0.032   -0.032   -0.242   -0.242
> 126           information =~                 trust   0.351    0.032    0.032    0.016    0.016
> 127           information =~              fairness   0.339   -0.077   -0.077   -0.039   -0.039
> 115          social.trust =~             voluntary   0.329    0.030    0.030    0.029    0.029
> 94  non.institutionalized =~               workorg   0.300   -0.002   -0.052   -0.048   -0.048
> 93  non.institutionalized =~               contact   0.293    0.002    0.040    0.038    0.038
> 101      associationalism =~               contact   0.221   -0.060   -0.063   -0.060   -0.060
> 125           information =~           participate   0.212   -0.019   -0.019   -0.018   -0.018
> 163               boycott ~~           participate   0.211    0.025    0.025    0.047    0.047
> 102      associationalism =~               workorg   0.167    0.058    0.061    0.056    0.056
> 136               contact ~~                    tv   0.138    0.024    0.024    0.129    0.129
> 205           information  ~     institutionalized   0.117    0.000    0.014    0.014    0.014
> 133               contact ~~           participate   0.105    0.021    0.021    0.042    0.042
> 207           information  ~      associationalism   0.096    0.013    0.013    0.013    0.013
> 172             voluntary ~~                 radio   0.089   -0.029   -0.029   -0.030   -0.030
> 108      associationalism =~                    tv   0.080   -0.015   -0.016   -0.012   -0.012
> 196      associationalism  ~           close.party   0.078    0.025    0.024    0.012    0.024
> 123           information =~               boycott   0.071   -0.014   -0.014   -0.014   -0.014
> 178                 trust ~~                    tv   0.044    0.015    0.015    0.037    0.037
> 161              demonstr ~~                 radio   0.034   -0.013   -0.013   -0.013   -0.013
> 119           information =~               contact   0.030    0.009    0.009    0.008    0.008
> 120           information =~               workorg   0.015   -0.006   -0.006   -0.006   -0.006
> 135               contact ~~              fairness   0.014   -0.012   -0.012   -0.014   -0.014
> 137               contact ~~                 radio   0.013   -0.010   -0.010   -0.007   -0.007
> 188 non.institutionalized ~~          social.trust   0.010   -0.070   -0.070   -0.070   -0.070
> 176           participate ~~                 radio   0.010   -0.007   -0.007   -0.007   -0.007
> 65                workorg ~1                         0.008   15.098   15.098   13.813   13.813
> 189 non.institutionalized ~~           information   0.007   -0.599   -0.599   -0.599   -0.599
> 110          social.trust =~               contact   0.002    0.002    0.002    0.002    0.002
> 97  non.institutionalized =~                 trust   0.002    0.000   -0.005   -0.002   -0.002
>  [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 9 rows ]

Максим Руднев, 2018-2021 на основе RMarkdown.